Eagle Class
Teachers: Miss Bryant (with Mr Thomas for a few months)
Adults in Class: Mrs Kite, Mrs Lyddon, Mrs Smith
Welcome to Eagle Class. We are a Year 5 and 6 class and we love learning! Please keep visiting our class website page as we will update it regularly. Our most recent learning will be at the top of our page.
Please see the documents below for our yearly overview and planning pathways.
What a fantastic few weeks of learning in Eagle Class! We have read some excellent and interesting texts in reading lessons including poems, narratives and non-fiction texts about Giant Panda Bears and how species have evolved over billions of years. In our writing lessons, we enjoyed writing narratives based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin but bringing the theme into modern times (including the Wifi Wizard of Weston) and we are currently writing balanced discussions about whether or not animals should be kept in captivity.
In Maths, we are working hard to master fractions having worked hard to master long multiplication and division in recent weeks too. Our maths morning work, step counting and daily times tables work is really helping us too.
We are really enjoying learning about animal classification in our science lessons and learning about Ernest Shackleton and his crew’s mission. Keep up the great work everyone. Your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and you are doing really well.
Photos to follow shortly so please watch this space…
Happy new year everyone. What an exciting year 2025 is going to be!
Eagle Class have started Term 3 really well. We enjoyed our Christmas break and are re-energised and ready for the big year of learning ahead. We have enjoyed continuing learning about World War II for a bonus week in preparation for our exciting school trip to Nailsea Tithe Barn.
In writing lessons we have been learning persuasive writing skills and in maths we have been multiplying and dividing. We have read a rich variety of texts and our class book is now ‘You are awesome’ by Matthew Syed because Eagle Class are indeed ‘awesome’.
Keep up the great work everyone in Eagle Class and I am really enjoying teaching you.
From Mr Thomas (Mr T)
We had a fantastic day on Monday 13th January when we went on our school trip to Nailsea Tithe Barn. Watch this space as photos will be uploaded soon.
T2 – Eagle Class have started Term 2 in an excellent way.
In maths, we have been extending our multiplication and division knowledge to think about multiples, factors and divisibility rules.
In writing, we have learnt a traditional tale ‘Matale comes to supper’ and are looking forward to innovating the story with our own changes of character and setting.
In reading, we have been looking at texts from a story teller point of view. We read and analysed an extract of ‘The Cat who walked by Himself’ by Rudyard Kipling and are now looking at the story of ‘Pegasus’ from Greek mythology.
In both music and PE this term we are looking at rhythms – through dance in PE and theme and variations of Pop Art in our music lessons. We have begun by learning a tune and discussing ways in which it can be varied.
We had a great sport morning playing ‘Fill the House’ with staff from the NSSPEA. We were incredibly supportive of each other in our teams and showed great competitiveness.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Parent Showcase on the 7th – we enjoyed sharing our learning with you.
T1 – Eagle Class have got off to a great start in Term 1!
In maths we have been consolidating and building on our place value knowledge by reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers and beginning to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.
In writing we have been learning to retell our first story ‘Why the sky is so high’ and have looked at some of the grammatical features in detail.
In reading we have been enjoying our first text – an extract from Stig of the Dump. We have talked about some of the vocabulary that we were unsure of and have discussed the author’s choice of language.
In our afternoon lessons, we have begun our history topic by learning key vocabulary linked to warfare and discussing how WW1 started. In art, we watched a video about our focus artist – Fiona Rae – and earnt many raffle tickets with our excellent answers to a quiz about her work.
In science, we have begun with a recap of living things and worked with our peers to group living things in different ways. In PSHE, we have started the year with a positive mindset by setting goals that we want to achieve and have displayed these on bunting in our classroom to keep us motivated all year!
T1 – Eagle class have been continuing their hard work as we settle into Term 1.
In maths, we have worked on partitioning numbers and ordering and comparing decimals.
In writing, we have planned and written our own stories with a meaning or moral behind them. There have been some fantastic story settings – New Zealand, South America, the planet Mars to name just a few!
In reading we have studied a diary entry of a WW2 evacuee. We have had some fantastic discussions understanding what evacuation meant for those children.
In our afternoon lessons we have been making more links to our war topic by learning to sing ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ and using graphic scores to help us understand pitch in music. In science we have continued our work on living things and have been working out ways to classify plants. We have also researched ways in which humans can impact habitats.
T1 – Eagles have had a busy couple of weeks with lots of extra curricular activities, as well as continuing our learning.
In maths we are practising methods of written addition and subtraction, as well as continuing to strengthen our times tables knowledge.
In writing, we have researched and written a biography of a famous person – these have included LeBron James, Chris Martin, Ariana Grande and Daniel Radcliffe to name just a few.
We have also been looking ahead to the Harvest service and have sketched some harvest foods and written Harvest poems/prayers.
We all really enjoyed the archery morning and the Tyntesfield trip and the Year 6s loved their visit to Life Skills. We also were visited by staff from Avon Fire and Rescue and we learnt a lot about spotting dangers and keeping safe both at home and around water.