This page contains links to our inspection reports. If, after reading the report, you have questions, please do get in touch with us.
We welcomed the inspection team to school on the 14th March 2024. Here is the link to the report along with some headlines from the findings:
OFSTED Report March 2024
Kingshill Church School continues to be a good school.
Pupils feel valued.
Pupils are happy and safe at Kingshill Church School.
Relationships are positive.
Adults know pupils well.
The school has high expectations of pupils.
The school have identified precisely what they want pupils to know and remember. The curriculum is implemented effectively. As a result, pupils are now progressing well across the curriculum.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.
Reading is at the front and centre of the school’s priorities.
Kingshill Church School Ofsted 2018
SIAMS Report March 2022’
SIAMS Report 2015 (previous Schedule)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]