
Foundation Subjects

Our foundation subject curriculum has been carefully mapped out to provide children with learning opportunities that are sequential, progressive and cumulative and contribute to our children accessing a curriculum that is rich and balanced in skills and knowledge teaching and provides opportunities to revisit key learning concepts and reactivate prior knowledge; transferring their skills and knowledge further into their long term memory to be able to access it fluently.

Each foundation subject has been shared below with the subject intent, coverage and progressions. Additionally, we have created a set of disciplinary skills to support our children with their understanding and knowledge of the skills they are learning in a subject. These are also detailed below.

Art and Design 

To support our learning in Art and Design we use Kapow and the progression of knowledge and skills that children need to be successful. Our children love art and the carefully chosen units and skills taught enable the children to develop their skills.

KCS Art and Design coverage 2024 to 2025

KCS Art and Design coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Art and Design Progression

Kingshill Church School Art and Design vocabulary

KCS Art and Design intent

An artist is disciplinary skills 


For computing we use the scheme of ‘Purple Mash’. The coverage has been created to support the children in cumulatively building their skills and knowledge and to have opportunities to revisit and reactivate. Online safety is also taught to all pupils to ensure they know how to stay safe online.

KCS computing coverage 2024 to 2025

KCS computing coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Computing Progression

Kingshill Church School Computing vocabulary

KCS Computing intent

A technology user disciplinary skills 


 Design and Technology 

For Design and Technology we use Kapow to support our teaching and learning and we have carefully planned our coverage and progressions to ensure cumulative skills and knowledge are taught.

KCS Design and Technology coverage 2024 to 2025

KCS Design and Technology coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Design and Technology Progression

Kingshill Church School Design and Technology vocabulary

KCS Design and Technology intent

A designer disciplinary skills 


For Geography we use Kapow to support our teaching and learning and we also have created our planning and coverage to reflect our local environment and how we build our knowledge and skills cumulatively.

KCS Geography coverage 2024-2025

KCS Geography coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Geography Progression

Kingshill Church School Geography vocabulary

KCS Geography intent

Geographer disciplinary skills


For History we use Kapow to support our teaching and learning and we also have created our planning and coverage to reflect our local history and community and how we build our knowledge and skills cumulatively.

KCS History coverage 2024-2025

KCS History coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill History Progression

Kingshil Church School History vocabulary

KCS History Intent

Historian disciplinary skills



As a school, we use the scheme ‘Kapow’ to support our MFL teaching.

KCS MFL coverage 2024 to 2025

Kingshill Church School MFL coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill MFL Progression

A Linguist disciplinary skills

KCS MFL intent



We use the Kapow scheme to teach music and this scheme also supports our teaching on the History of music. We also have a weekly singing assembly.

KCS Music coverage 2024 to 2025

KCS Music coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Music Progression

Kingshill Church School Music vocabulary

KCS Music Intent

A musician disciplinary skills

Kingshill Church School Music Development Plan 2023-2026


Physical Education

To support us with our teaching and learning for PE we use the scheme ‘Get Set 4 PE’. Our coverage has been designed to ensure the children have the opportunity to build their skills across a range of sports and apply these throughout a unit.

KCS PE coverage 2024-2025

KCS PE coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill Physical Education Progression

KCS PE intent

An active person disciplinary skills 

PSHCE- Jigsaw Scheme

As a school we use the Jigsaw scheme of learning to support our children with developing their sense of self, their place in the world, how to build positive and healthy relationships and much more. Our coverage is planned carefully to ensure the children receive age appropriate teaching and challenging concepts are taught sensitively.

Kingshill Jigsaw R1 coverage

Kingshill Jigsaw Y23 coverage

Kingshill Jigsaw Y45 coverage

Kingshill Jigsaw Y56 coverage

KCS Jigsaw and British Values intent

A Good Citizen is disciplinary skills


We use Understanding Christianity to teach RE. Please see our visions and values page to find out more about how we embed RE across our school.

KCS RE coverage 2024-2025

KCS RE coverage 2023-2024

Kingshill RE Progression

Kingshill Church School RE vocabulary

KCS RE intent

A theologian disciplinary skills


To teach science we use Kapow to support as well as the National Curriculum objectives and STEM projects. Our coverage has been designed to ensure our science knowledge is progressive and cumulative and there are opportunities built in for reactivating and revisiting.

KCS Science coverage 2024-2025

KCS Science coverage 2023-2024


Kingshill Church School Science vocabulary

KCS Science intent

A scientist is disciplinary skills