
Welcome to Kingshill Church School

A Bath and Wells Academy

We Believe in Learning Without Limits

Sharing Christian Values

An Open, Encouraging Community

Kingshill Church School Open Days for Reception cohort September 2025

Welcome to Kingshill Church School website.

Life-Long Learning, Community and Friendship; the development of this for all learners, sits at the core of our school. We are committed to all children experiencing ‘Life in all its fullness’ John 10:10.

It is an exciting time at Kingshill Church School as we move forward from our successes of last year and look forward to our new academic year.

As a small school, we have the rich opportunity presented by mixed age classes and we value and embrace the way in which this can support the social and emotional development of our children, as well as the academic progress. There is much to be learnt from having the opportunities to be a class role model or to benefit from the support of a more experienced peer. The way in which the children talk and weave their relationships is greatly enriched and adds strength to the three core strands of our intent.

With regard to the more academic elements of the curriculum, regardless of year group our teachers adapt, respond and shape the learning from the children’s starting points. This approach is underpinned by our curriculum progressions and coverage, which are clear about what will be learnt at each point, so that by the end of their time here the children are not only ready for secondary school but also ready to thrive in life.

We consider ourselves to be very fortunate to have a passionate parent body set within a community, which readily engages with the school. This has enabled the leadership team to identify and co-construct all that is on offer locally and regionally as well as establishing a clear set of ‘entitlements’ or experiences we feel should be on offer during primary school. Staff and parents alike talk with a passion about how these early experiences of, for example, learning to play an instrument remained with them and unlocked opportunities, and self-belief, which remained a long way outside of childhood.

Further, we are a church school, who readily engages with our local community, and we believe that when considering life’s big questions and developing ones perspective this lens gives a rich vein through which to discuss, debate and develop.

Within our school we are committed to using the best evidence-based research and practice and engaging with the quality opportunities which lie across the education sector and beyond. In 2024-2025 we will continue working with The English Hub at St Peters Primary, The Boolean Project, WalkThrus and Voice21 to name a few. We are also an active part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust and this too provides high quality support along with challenge to ensure we are all ‘the best versions of ourselves’ for the good of all children in our Trust.

Our team is dedicated, nurturing and proactively engages with being the best version of themselves – and unsurprisingly this is translating to the children too. To this end, all staff engage with and are proactive about continued professional development. At times, when we talk about our learning, this makes our children laugh!

From me, as headteacher, I am simply thrilled to be here. Kingshill is a warm and welcoming church school with an engaged wider community, which is vested in the school and children thriving. If you do come and visit, you will also see how wonderful our children and staff team are too. You will also see how on an individual basis, every individual is valued and supported.

If you cannot find the information you need on our website or would like a conversation, please do contact us.

Mrs Harvey



Playground Markings – Free Hopscotch Offer | Signet Play