
All Different, All Equal 

At Kingshill Church School we live by our Values and we uphold the fundamental British values of:


•The rule of law.

•Individual liberty.

•Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Our culture and ethos underpins all we do and through our PHSE and RE curriculum we ensure that pupils are given the opportunity to make choices. Pupils are voted as Class Reps and there are regular opportunities for pupils to feedback about their learning and the culture of the school through ‘the big plan’.

Our Class Reps meet regularly with the Headteacher or the Deputy  to discuss various different things like learning, safety, what’s going well and how the school might improve.

The Rule of Law:

Our behaviour policy is well thought out and understood by all pupils and the wider school community. We endeavour to show pupils that along with our rights comes responsibility to our school community and in the wider world.

Individual liberty:

We encourage pupils to develop a sense of who they are and show them that they have the freedom to make choices in this world and that their voice counts. Pupils are encouraged to develop as individuals who have their own set of beliefs and practices. They are encouraged to be reflective and to think things through for themselves.

Mutual Respect for and Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs:

Through our strong set of values and our well thought out RE curriculum we endeavour to ensure that our pupils see that everyone is deserving of tolerance and respect, whatever their beliefs. We ensure that pupils learn about different  Faiths and that Christianity is part of the wide spectrum of World Faiths.

At Kingshill Church School our safeguarding culture  is a fundamental part of our school life. We ensure that all staff have regular training in all aspects of this including Prevent training and training around FGM (female genital mutilation) and sexualised behaviour.