Kingshill Church School is proud to part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust (BWMAT)
There are now 42 schools in the BWMAT. The schools work in regional ‘hubs’. Kingshill is in the North Somerset Hub along with Trinity (Portishead), St John the Evangelist (Clevedon), St George’s (Worle), St Mark’s (Worle), Court de Wyck (Claverham) and Churchfield (Highbridge). There are three other hubs, in Bath, Taunton and South Somerset.
You can find out about all of the BWMAT schools by going to the website.
The BWMAT’s driving force is to ensure that every school within the Trust provides an outstanding education for every child, enhanced by a distinctively Christian ethos through delivering: a creative, innovative, engaging curriculum that is underpinned by the Christian values of kindness, respect, forgiveness, perseverance and love; an education with the highest aspirations and expectations of academic success; where learning focuses on and values developing children’s characters and qualities as human beings.
People are at the heart of the Trust – pupils, teachers, support staff, middle leaders, Head teachers, governors and central staff – all with a wide range of unique talents, qualities, beliefs and potential. The trust seeks to provide opportunities for all of our practitioners to share best practice, develop expertise, draw on local, national and international research and form partnerships within and beyond the BWMAT. The schools share a determination that every child within the BWMAT will access an outstanding education, every child will be able achieve what they hope for their future and that schools will work together to be keepers of the flame of ‘Life in all its fullness’. We fully concur with the BWMAT Vision and especially this phrase:
Every child is a unique human being,
made by God and loved by Him, and
will be guided by values of kindness,
tolerance and understanding
BWMAT Our Vision
Please see the BWMAT Education Strategy of which we are a part.
BWMAT Education Strategy