Pupil Premium at Kingshill Church School 2024-2027
At Kingshill Church School we aim to secure effective teaching and learning for all and enhance achievement and well being, irrespective of personal circumstances. As part of our ethos and vision, at Kingshill Church School we have a clear philosophy that we want to provide children with opportunities that they may not always have access to. Our pupil premium funding, therefore, is spent on children in support of this aim.
Our school leadership and governance value the quality of teaching and learning as its core purpose. This implies the deployment of time, energy and resources to enhance confidence in the quality of teaching and learning and the focus on achievement.
Susceptible children are amongst those groups that may need additional support or intervention in order to make optimum progress; children who have needs, dispositions, aptitudes or circumstances which may require particularly perceptive and expert teaching and in some cases, additional support beyond the school.
Kingshill Church School aims to work effectively with every pupil; we support them where necessary to overcome academic or emotional barriers, that could prevent optimum progress. We want to enable all pupils to participate in the full range of activities offered within and beyond the school to ensure they have the very best learning experience and make outstanding progress.
Kingshill Church School ensures all staff develops the skills to meet the needs of pupils and families whose circumstances may make them susceptible. This, coupled with good support from external agencies helps the school to minimise any gaps in the progress pupils are making.
Reporting Pupil Premium
The school uses the BWMAT reporting structure for pupil premium and our statement is extended across 3 years to ensure we are forward thinking and using our funding to support long term and sustainable improvements for our children but also react to individual circumstances, where appropriate.
The Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed across the year.
Reporting to Parents
Parents will be able to obtain information on the pupil premium via the school website as well as individual information at Parent Consultation evenings, which take place three times a year.
Kingshill-Church-School-PP-Strategy-Statement and review 2024 -2027
Previous documents
Kingshill Church School PP-Strategy-Statement-BWMAT-2022-2024-updated
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22
Review of Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021-22