Kingshill Church School | Vision, Values & Ethos
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We are proud to be a Church School, it gives us our identity, and our Vision, Values and Ethos show the essence of who we are.

Our Vision

‘To be the best version of ourselves, enjoying life in all its fullness’

Our Vision for Kingshill Church is underpinned by the Bible Verse John 10:10. ‘That they shall have life, life in all its fullness’.

In this verse, Jesus says he has come ‘in order that you might have life- life in all its fullness’, it’s a reminder that it possible for us to know a full life, in which we know the security of being in the hands of the good shepherd.

People of faith will listen to him, because he is like the shepherd whose sheep know his voice. We believe that everyone in our school community deserves the very best, all are valued and all are loved.

The Bible verse from John 10:10 is particularly relevant to us as we seek to ensure that everyone in our community is able to thrive and flourish, whatever their need, ability or status. All members of our community are deeply valued and cherished, and we believe that we achieve this by the clear ethos and values that underpin all we do, and all decisions made.
We instil the commitment that we will be loving and kind and care for each other, all members of the community know that this is an expectation.  

Our Values

Our school life is underpinned by the following Christian Values:







We uphold the fundamental values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.


Each term we send home a values poster that can be used by our pupils and parents and carers together. It gives them a chance to reflect on what we are focussing on in school.

Our Ethos

We believe that happy, reflective learners are effective learners and that we can achieve this by creating a caring, stimulating, safe and encouraging community. Our children are encouraged to embrace our ever-changing world with confidence, courage and creativity. They are encouraged to respect and care for themselves and others and are encouraged to challenge themselves academically, physically and spiritually and to have a sense of their belonging to our local community and to global communities.

Our school has been described as caring, welcoming and friendly. We pride ourselves on building effective working relationships with our children, our parents and our community. Visitors are impressed with the calm and purposeful atmosphere around the school, the politeness of our children and the helpfulness of our staff. Within our Christian context, we aim to serve our children to the very best of our ability, promoting Christian values, tolerance and a zest for life.

As a Church School we are committed to the Church of England Vision for Education- Educating for Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills, Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy, Community and Living Well Together and Dignity and Respect.