Sports Premium funding and PE at Kingshill Church School
Our school vision for PE is to create a curriculum that develops, motivates and enthuses every individual child to become a lifelong learner.
We want to provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their leadership, coaching and officiating skills. We aim to identify to children the benefits of a healthy and balanced lifestyle and as a school we want to create an enthusiasm for physical activities where every child feels confident and ready to participate.
PE Funding for 2024-25
The government’s Sport Premium Funding will be continuing this academic year. The funding is used towards physical education in order to create a sporting legacy within the school – so that when the funding ceases, the school is left with a lasting impact.
Our Intended Outcomes:
To increase and improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision.
To increase participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
To promote positive attitudes towards healthy and active lifestyles.
To increase the PE skills of all pupils to achieve secondary readiness.
To create a detailed PE Development plan with short and long term targets that enables all pupils to progress and achieve.
To increase the opportunities of pupils during lunch and play and after school.
We will be investing in:
Future Stars
Kingshill Church School will be using some of its funding to work in partnership with Future Stars Coaching
This year we have a team of fully qualified sports coaches to provide interventions to support mental and physical wellbeing and key relational skills such as turn taking and working as a team.
PE Association
We fund our membership of the PE Association which provides opportunities for children to take part in different sports at competition level and to try out new sports in school. It also provides professional development for staff. In addition, we have access to Girls Football Friday, a yearly calendar of sporting competitions and non competitive events and 6 half day in-school multi-skills sessions for the whole school. Please see our PE page for further information.
PE equipment – update of resources
We will purchase new PE equipment and PE team kits to support our new PE scheme of GetSet4PE. Our new scheme will also build our sporting legacy.
Top up swimming
To ensure we can accurately record the number of children achieving their 25m at the end of year 6 and to increase this number of children, we will fund top up swimming for the year for year 6.
The impact of this funding will be measured through:
Pupil perception questionnaires measuring the interest of children in different areas of the PE curriculum
Feedback from the specialist teachers to the Headteacher on the level of engagement by children at lunchtimes and in intervention groups.
The increase in the number of children engaging in inter school sporting activities
The number of children attending a sports club either in school or outside.
The Impact of the Sports Premium can be found in our funding reports:
Premium-Template-2023-2024-Kingshill Church School
Previous documents for sports premium funding:
Sports Premium Funding Kingshill Church School 2022-2023
Sports Premium Funding Report 2021-22
PE Funding Report 2020-21
Physical education at Kingshill Church School.
We use GetSet4PE to support our teaching of PE in school.
Please follow the link below to see our coverage map.
KCS PE coverage 2024-2025
KCS PE intent
An active person disciplinary skills
Kingshill Physical Education Progression