Maths at Kingshill Church School
At Kingshill Church School, we believe that everyone can do Maths. We aim to develop a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in mathematics that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. Our goal is to ensure that when pupils leave us, they are assured, happy and resilient mathematicians who relish the challenge of maths. They will be independent and reflective thinkers, whose skills not only liberate them in maths but also support them across the curriculum.
We follow the National Curriculum and have chosen to follow a spiral curriculum which allows children to learn in small steps and re-visit concepts throughout the year. We use White Rose Maths Hub Schemes of Learning to support in the delivery of this. We use the long-term overviews to guide our planning process and always adapt our planning to suit the needs of the learners in the class.
To ensure the children’s understanding of key mathematical concepts is fully developed we follow a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to our calculation policy. We also recognise the importance of children developing strong mental maths skills and they are supported in this through early subitising, the Number Sense scheme, Mastering Number, Times Tables Rockstars and arithmetic challenges.
Barn Owl Y1 and Y2 Maths Curriculum
Falcon Y2 and Y3 Maths Curriculum
Kestrel Y4 and Y5 Maths Curriculum
Eagle Y5 and Y6 Maths Curriculum
Kingshill Church School Calculation Policy using CPA inc fractions