
Kingshill Church School- EYFS Vision Statement

In the Early Years at Kingshill Church School we want our children to be happy, confident, independent, reflective, respectful and resilient individuals who have a love of learning and are positive about their own identity. This is fostered within a Christian environment.

We believe in providing all children with a safe, stimulating and enabling environment, that builds on individual’s needs and interests and provides them with opportunities to reflect our school vision of ‘life in all its fullness’.

Children should have the opportunity to learn through play, where learning is fun, engaging and suitably challenging. We value the importance of our EYFS environment and believe that it offers children the opportunity to develop their thinking and problem-solving skills. Adults provide high-quality interactions and role models for learning.

We are committed to providing children the best possible start to their school life. We are dedicated to teaching our children life-long skills and giving them experiences, which will ensure their well-being and success now and in the future.

Our EYFS environment has been designed to be an enabling space and promote the effective characteristics of learning. The children have access to 2 indoor environments and an outside space.

To build independence throughout the setting the areas are designed to support learning through carefully planned provision and challenges. The environment is also designed to be a fluid space that can be changed to support the children’s interests.

School Starters September 2024

Resources for school readiness:

Starting primary school – BBC Parents’ Toolkit – BBC Bitesize

Learning to talk 3 to 5 years – NHS (

I-will-learn-to KCS


I-am-Independent KCS

Pearl Class

Our EYFS children are in Pearl Class and the class are an R/1 mix. The learning in Reception is recorded in folders that are organised into the 7 areas of learning.

Pearl Class yearly overview 2023-2024

Pearl Class Planning pathway Autumn 2023

Pearl Class Spring term learning pathway 2024

At Kingshill Church School we also use the BWAMT progressions to support our planning and help us keep a long term view of the children’s end points and how we effectively plan to support children to be successful.

BWMAT EYFS Long Term Planning Progression Physical Development Sept 2023

BWMAT EYFS Long Term Planning Progression Communication and Language Sept 2023

BWMAT EYFS Long Term Planning Progression Document Expressive Arts and Design Sept 2023

BWMAT EYFS Long Term Planning Progression Document Understanding the World Sept 2023

BWMAT EYFS Long Term Planning Progression PSED Sept 2023

BWMAT EYFS Maths Sept 2023

BWMAT Literacy Sept 2023

Please below our photos gallery, that showcases our environment and examples of our provision and outcomes.