
Kilve Court Camp 2024

Thursday 18th 2024

After 8 hours sleep last night, we have had a wonderful final full day at camp. The weather has been glorious and we have taken part in fun activities.

We have taken part in a stream walk, where we got VERY muddy (see the before and after pictures). All of the children took part in mountain biking, where we went over a range of obstacles, along tracks and over a pump track. We also went grass sledging, on a fantasy trail and on a Jumblies Quest. This evening, we had a disco and the teachers were #SlayQueens!

Tomorrow, we are all going to walk to the beach for fossil hunting, having lunch then heading home! 🙂


Wednesday 17th 2024

We have had an incredible day today, the weather has been glorious and we have had great fun. We started off with a 3 hour hike (in true Emerald style) across the Quantocks. At lunchtime, Mrs Evans, Mrs Blythe and Miss Frewin arrived to join us.

This afternoon, we have had fun rifle shooting – there are some great shots in the class! We also braved the abseiling tower, where everyone in the group had a try. The other group went grass sledging. We are looking forward to getting to sleep earlier tonight 🙂

Tuesday 16th July 2024

Another amazing day! The weather has been much better. We started the day with team building activities and had a great time! In the afternoon we all tackled the climbing wall! The bravery shown was amazing!

We have also tried archery today and we learnt all of the technical vocabulary for the arrows and bow. We are about to go and try out the maze- we will keep you posted on this tomorrow!

Monday 15th July 2024

We are having a fabulous time despite the rain!
We arrived around 11:30am and once we had been shown our rooms and completed the tour we had lunch.
After lunch, one group went buggy building and the other tackled the abseil tower. The different buggy designs were great and the time trial races a little competitive! During the abseiling activity, we looked at the proper way to tie the knots and abseiled down the tower- very brave!
One group also went on the stream walk and due to the rain the water was up to our waists in places and a few of us nearly lost our wellies! Many of us were covered from head to toe in mud! The mud angels were fun.
Tonight, we have circus skills and tomorrow we are looking forward to team building, archery, grass sledging and the maze. The weather is due to be better tomorrow so hopefully we will all be less soggy!