Kingshill Church School | KFA
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Kingshill Friends Association (KFA) is a small charity set up for the sole purpose of raising funds for Kingshill Church School, Nailsea. We are constantly trying to raise funds to enhance our childrens education.

Our projects change regularly but we always need funding for school trips, external educators visits and equipment. We very much appreciate all donations.

Latest News
Our raffle draw was drawn and all winners have been notified. Thank you to everyone who bought a ticket and all the companies who donated prizes – The Wave, Noah’s Ark, Clifton Observatory, Avon Valley, Mendip Activity Centre, Scotch Horn Leisure Centre, Backwell Tennis Club, Bristol Karate Academy, Greene King, The Inn at Yanleigh, Thatchers, Bakers of Nailsea, The Flower Gift, Simply Green, Wessex Water, Reflections Salon, SP Hair Co, Coffee #1 and @thegym.

In the last academic year, we have held the following fund raising events:
• Christmas fair
• Summer fair
• 3 x Discos
• Christmas and Summer raffles
• Christmas cards and other merchandise
• Christmas play sales
• Date to be Different day
• Bingo night
• Tuck Shops
• Frozen Fridays
• Pre loved uniform sales
• World Cup predictor game
• 2 x Bags2School collections

This has enabled us to pay for:
• £12 per child towards school trips
• Class speakers for each class
• A welcome pack and meeting for new Reception parents
• Father Christmas visit with presents
• KS1 Easter egg hunt
• KS2 Easter Bingo
• Year 6 hoodies
• Year 6 Dominoes pizza and cake for after SAT’s
• Year 6 VIP area at the disco
• Year 6 bouncy castle treat
• King’s coronation badges and ice pop for each child
• Climbing wall for Years 1-6
• Dinky Drivers for Reception
• Also, a commitment for donations towards books and Forest School

Our next events are:

Our AGM will be held in September and we need a new Treasurer, please speak to Rachel Kent if you are interested in joining the committee.
Thank you to Tawny, Hannah, Steph and Kasia for everything they do to make the KFA run smoothly.

Other News

This is the last newsletter for this academic year, thank you for all of your support and to those who help out to run our events. Enjoy your summer and we’ll see you in September.

Remember if you have finished with your uniform the KFA will take it. At the moment we are short of jumpers and cardigans with the school logo on.

Going forward please note that payment for KFA events will be by cash, card or online. We are now unable to take cheques as the bank has started to charge for paying them in.
Thank you.

Please remember if you are shopping online to use ‘Easyfundraising’. Go to Search for Kingshill Friends Association and create an account. A percentage of what you spend from lots of online retailers will then go to the KFA. Also if you are shopping on Amazon, please use Amazon Smile. Go to their website, log in and select Kingshilll Friends. Amazon Smile is also now available on the app.

The KFA have signed up with two label naming companies: Stamptastic and mynametags, each time these companies are used the KFA get a percentage. For Stamptastic please use code BS48 2NP and for mynametags use 22588.

Join Our FaceBook Page for updates – ‘Kingshill KFA’

This year’s committee are:


Rachel Kent


Emma Cook


Victoria (Tawny) Watkins

Joint Secretary

Rachel Ferguson and Jess Phoursa