From Facebook and Instagram to Snapchat and Tumblr a simple no-nonsense guide for parents from NSPCC and O2 to the social media, apps and games that kids use
Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC
Innocent searches online can lead to not so innocent results. But parental controls can help keep your child safe.
At Childnet our Education Officers go into schools each day to deliver online safety Education Sessions to pupils, parents and teachers. Recently in these Education Sessions we have been noticing an increasing number of young people talking about the game ‘Fortnite’.
Vodafone Digital Parenting
North Somerset Safeguarding Children Board
The website provides a range of information for professionals, parents, children and young people in relation to safeguarding children in North Somerset.
Advice for parents on cyberbullying
This advice is for parents and carers about cyberbullying. It provides advice and information about how they can protect their child from cyberbullying and how to tackle it if it happens.
If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/
Speak out. Stay safe..
The NSPCC guide uses the rules of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone. You can find out more and download the free resources at nspcc.org.uk/pants.
PANTS means:
Privates are private
Always remember your body belongs to you
No means no
Talk about secrets that upset you
Speak up, someone can help
You’ve probably already talked to your child about things like crossing the road safely. Talking to them about staying safe from sexual abuse is just as easy with our PANTS activity pack.
If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe.
Guidance for parents on Roblox
Our Roblox Parent’s Guide explains how serious we are about play, and the steps we take to ensure your kid’s privacy and safety.
A good start – childnet.com
Digital devices at home deliver media, entertainment and internet access for the whole family. They also provide new opportunities for creativity and learning. How can parents and carers help children get off to a good start using digital devices? This guide provides some tips and checklists to help you.
NSPCC Share Aware :
NSPCC – Share Aware Campaign – The new NSPCC campaign was developed due to their own research finding that parents’ quite often feel confused by the internet – out of their depth, and out of control. Share Aware is for parents of children aged 8-12 and is designed to help to reassure and give parents everything they need to keep their children safe.
The design is straightforward: No-nonsense advice that will help to untangle the web, showing parents how they can be just as great a parent online as they are the rest of the time.
The campaign breaks down into 5 sections:
Net Aware – a no-nonsense guide to the social networks, sites and apps children use
Share Aware – parent’s guide on how to talk to children about staying safe online
Talking Tips – tips on how to start a conversation with your child about online safety
Online Safety Advice – for parents about keeping their child safer online
Online Course – Introductory training for anyone who works with children