Our school life is underpinned by the following Christian Values:
Kingshill School Prayer
This is Our School
Let Peace dwell here
Let the rooms be full of contentment
Let Love abide here
Love of one another
Love of mankind
Love of life itself
And love of God.
Let us Remember
That, as many hands make a house,
So many hearts make a school.
Collective Worship
We plan our collective worship around our values.
On Monday we set the theme for the week and look to how we can live by that value. We also think about how these values support us in our lives and in our learning.
On Tuesdays we sing our favourite worship songs and learn new ones
Wednesday’s Collective Worship is led by our friends from ‘Open the Book’ . They act out and tell stories from the Bible and the children always have a chance to join in and then ask questions. We also welcome Reverend Nicki Bradford and Pastor Peter to lead our other Wednesday worships.
On a Thursday we meet for our Praise worship. All of the children who have been recognised throughout the week with raffle tickets are celebrated and someone from each class is chosen for special recognition. We also celebrate ‘Work of the Week’ that is shared in the worship and then displayed on clipboards for the week.
On a Friday we worship in class and we also engage with the courageous advocates we are learning about- these can be found on our class overviews.
We enjoy our church services too. Families are invited to share in : Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas, Christingle and Easter Celebrations. We go to Christ Church for Harvest, Evening Christmas carol service, Christmas morning service, Easter Service and Y6 leavers.
Religious Education
RE teaching is given high regard here by leadership, staff and pupils. Pupils are given full opportunities to reflect and ask questions using Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE as these resources encourage deep thinking and reflection.