
Kestrel Class

Teachers: Mrs Evans (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Kendall (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Adults in class:

Welcome to Kestrel Class. We are a Year 4  and 5 year class and we love learning! Please keep visiting our class website page as we will update it regularly. Our most recent learning will be at the top of our page.

Please see the documents below for our yearly overview and planning pathways.

Kestrel Class Pathway Autumn Term 2024

Kingshill Church School Kestrel Class Yearly Overview 2024 2025

PE Days:

  • Tuesday – Dance
  • Friday – Swimming


Cadbury Camp

Kestrel Class had a wonderful hike to Cadbury Camp. We went as part of our geography project this term – Rivers and Mountains. We looked at and crossed the local rivers including the Land Yeo; we were amazed how fast they were flowing due to recent rain. We also crossed the Moorend Spout and loved looking at the water cascading down the waterfall.

Next we walked through the valley and towards up to Cadbury Camp. It was a challenging walk, but we all persevered and were helped along by our friends. Once at the top, we were amazed by the beautiful views of the Quantocks and out to the River Severn. We also admired the nature around us and even spotted several kestrels! We had a wonderful day out.


We are Scientists!

In science we have been continuing to investigate the 3 states of matter. We have learned about the properties of and some examples of solids, liquids and gases. Now we are moving onto learning about the processes that allow matter to change from one state to another. This week we have been investigating MELTING. We have carried out an investigation to discover How does temperature affect the rate of melting?

We used thermometers and close observation to monitor our results. We discovered that , yes! the temperature speeds up the rate of melting as the liquid reached melting point more quickly.


Welcome to Kestrel Class

We have had a wonderful start to Kestrel Class. In our Mark Making week, we designed and drew some beautiful kestrels. We also started learning a poem about kestrels, which we will perform to the school.

In English, we have started learning our story ‘The Magic Paintbrush’. We are starting by crafting expert sentences, then we will move onto innovating the story with our own ideas.

We have started our science topic on the States of Matter. We worked as teams to classify different materials. We will continue the unit looking at the 3 stated more closely. You can continue this learning at home by talking about everyday materials and thinking about which state they are: solid, liquid or gas.

Where does the water go from a puddle?

Why is there water on the mirror after a bath?

How long does it take to freeze a lolly?