

We are a Silver School Games Mark holder! This is a great achievement for our school as we made our first application in 2023/2024. 

We are working towards Gold for the 2024/2025 academic year.

At Kingshill Church School, we actively promote sports and being active to support physical and mental wellbeing.

All children take part in PE lessons, as is their curriculum entitlement, and we provide further opportunities for sports and being active.

We are part of the North Somerset Schools PE Association and liaise with them to provide the children experience sessions for sports and activities that are not part of the national curriculum. Previously we have run Tri-golf, speed stacking, tennis, fitness fun, orienteering, football Friday and out of school visits/competitions. For the coming year we have many other exciting things planned.



Disc Golf


Dance festival

Feel Fab 60 holiday activities

Girls Football Friday


In addition to the in-school activities that the PE partnership provide, we support the children to take part in festivals and ‘give it a go’ sessions.

Play leaders

Our year 5 and 6 children are trained play leaders and they support children during lunchtimes. The children had to apply for the role and take part in training.