
Falcon Class

Teachers: Miss Pennell and Mrs Wilson

Adults in Class: Mrs Shopland, Mr Pellow, Ms Davies, Mrs Loveridge, Mrs Kite

Welcome to Falcon Class! We are a Year 2 and Year 3 class and we love learning! Please keep visiting our class website page as we will update it regularly.

Please see the documents below for our yearly overview and planning pathways.

Falcon Class Pathway Autumn Term 2024

Falcon Class Pathway Spring 2025

Kingshill Church School Falcon Class Yearly Overview 2024 2025


This term we are learning the story The Papaya That Spoke. It is a fun story and we are enjoying joining in with the repeated phrases using lots of expression and actions.

We have now innovated the story to create The Apple That Spoke. We have changed the characters we meet along the way. We have created a box up plan ready to write the new story over the next few days. We drew pictures to help us remember what happens in each section of the story and wrote key phrases, adverbs and expanded noun phrases that we can use when writing.

In maths, we have been learning about fractions. We are looking at 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 of shapes and numbers. We have been explaining what a whole can be and what is a 1/2 or 1/4. We know that halves, quarters and thirds must be equal. This helps us to understand what a numerator and a denominator means when we see a fraction.

We used a post it note to create wholes, halves and quarters and used a bar model and counters to solve fractions of numbers.

In art we have been looking at the work by Kate Kos. She is an artist who uses watercolours to create seascapes. We have talked about her work and used our geographical knowledge to look for physical features in her paintings. We created 4 small different seascapes and then chose our best one to create a final painting. We have really enjoyed using watercolours and creating seascapes and look forward to sharing these with you at our next showcase.

In PE, we have started our unit on striking and fielding. We are learning to roll the ball to each other and have been introduced to the fielder. We look forward to building the skills over the term to enable us to play a game.


Falcon class have had a very busy time over the last couple of weeks.

We really enjoyed our visit from the Police Mounted Horses. We found out all about what role they had in the police; how they were looked after and what equipment they had to wear. We loved getting close to the horses and giving them a stroke, as well as being able to ask the trainers the important questions that we had.


In Jigsaw, we have been learning about ‘Dreams and Goals’ in our lessons. We worked in groups to create a ‘Dream’ garden, needing to decide upon who the garden was for and what it needed to contain. Here, we thought closely about how we worked as a team and thought about what we needed to do to work well as part of a team. We also thought carefully about how we overcame obstacles we faced.

In Maths, we have been understanding and practicing our times tables. We have been learning the number facts and families, solving problems with our tables, as well as showing what each times table fact means. We worked in groups to show what we had learnt.


In English, we have really enjoyed our recent texts: Rumpelstilskin and How to catch an angry goblin. In the recent instructions text, we thought about whether we agreed with these instructions or not. Were the instructions fair on the goblin? Was there a better way to catch him?  We then got into teams and debated the issues. We had lots of arguments for and against. We listened to each other’s point of view very well!

We have enjoyed learning about the Chinese new year in the first part of our new music unit. We thought about the music we heard and danced showing the meaning of it.

We were lucky to have so many parents join us for our Phonics Showcase this week. Here, we were able to show our parents and carers various ways we can practice our phonics at home, alongside some of the resources we use in our phonics lessons. Thank you for coming adults!


15th January 2025

Happy New Year!

Falcon class have enjoyed sharing their home learning challenges with each other. Lots of children have visited the coast and talked about the human and physical features. We have enjoyed listening to what the children have found out.

In Maths, we have been using place value to partition numbers into multiples of tens and ones, comparing and ordering numbers including negative numbers and learnt the 3, 4 and 8 times table.

This term in PE, we are learning about gymnastics. We have explored creating patch and point balances. We then put those balances into a sequence, adding in different ways of travelling.


In Art this term, we are using watercolours. We started this unit by exploring watercolours. We watched a video from an artist who showed us how we can use our brushes to make different lines and shapes. Our favourite technique was applying water first and then paint. It was fun to see the different effects we could create.

11th December 2024

We have had a very busy time in Falcon class! In maths, we have been learning about multiplication and practicing the facts within our times tables. We have enjoyed playing multiplication games with partners and using the facts in various ways to help us solve maths questions.

In English, we have really enjoyed our ‘Going for a song’ text and apology letter. We thought about whether we agreed if the main character should be sorry or not. We then wrote sorry letters from other characters in the story and even wrote our own sorry letter linked to our Jigsaw unit.

We have been learning about the Christmas Story in RE and worked in partners to re-tell the story and present it to the class. We have been thinking about how Christians prepare for Christmas and what Christmas means to Christians.

We have worked hard to create our wonderful Nativity. We have been learning the songs, actions and words so carefully. We loved seeing it all come together this week once we were dressed up and performing it to an audience. What lovely team work we showed!


27th November 2024

In maths we are continuing to learn about multiplication. We have been exploring the 5 times table and creating arrays, exploring what it looks like on a number line and using our knowledge to answer problem solving and reasoning questions. Some of the children used the cubes to make arrays of the 4 and 8 times table.

We have started our new class text which is a letter of apology. The Old Donkey from our previous story has written a letter to the city dwellers apologising for the noise he made. We discussed whether the donkey should or should not have apologised to the city dwellers and played conscience alley to share our different viewpoints.

On Tuesday we had our first showcase of the year. The children really enjoyed sharing what they have learnt with their family and friends. Children talked about the Bayeux Tapestry, created self-portraits, made pin wheel creation stories and made number fact families. Thank you to everyone who came.

Falcon class visited the residents at Argentum Lodge in Nailsea. The children spent time playing games, drawing and talking with the residents. The children showed kindness, respect and compassion.


15th November 2024

We have had a busy start back to Term 2 in Falcon class. On our first week back, we had an exciting visit from our local PCSO’s. They came to talk to us about working in the police. We learnt about the clothes and equipment they used and how they help our community. We loved using the battle shields and investigating the inside of the police van!

We also had a fantastic time taking part in the PE boccia festival. We moved around the stations in groups to practice our throwing skills, including a Boccia station, and worked as a team to score the most points. What teamwork we showed!

We commemorated Remembrance Day with a service and 2 minute silence on Friday 8th November. Earlier in the week, we worked in community groups to build on our understanding of what Remembrance Day is and joined in various activities, such as making poppies, in groups We then were able to have the wonderful opportunity of asking our visitor, Mrs Hayes, questions about serving in the army.

This week, we have taken part in anti- bullying week. We wore odd socks on Tuesday and talked about the important message of this. In the afternoon, we had an assembly by the NSPCC where Buddy taught us to speak out and stay safe. In class we decided who our safe adults would be and created a poster. We then played a game of Buddy Says and had to work out what Buddy was saying from the actions.  Later on in the week, we then focussed on this year’s message: Choose Respect. We discussed and acted out scenarios where we could choose respect, or not,  and what the impact of this was on ourselves and the people around us.

In maths, we have been looking at multiplication. We have been learning facts in our times tables and thinking about what the facts represent. We enjoyed creating arrays to show the times tables value.




Falcon class really enjoyed our archery session recently. We learnt how to hold the bow and arrow as well as practice hitting a target and seeing how far we could get the arrow to travel across the field.


In music, we have been learning the melody and rhythm of ‘Once a man fell in a well’. We used instruments to play the melody and used percussion to keep the pulse. We even managed to compose our own melodies with a partner and perform them in front of the class. We showed lots of determination!


We have also been thinking about harvest and what this means to us. We designed and painted some fantastic harvest art work which we were very proud of. We look forward to sharing it with you at the harvest service next week!


In Maths, we have been learning about ways to add and subtract, especially using our number bonds to help us.  We have enjoyed exploring patterns with number bonds when subtracting numbers. We were amazed with the number of patterns we were able to spot!




Falcon class had a workshop with Sir William of Nailsea. It was such a fantastic morning. We learnt what it was like to be a knight in a castle, the roles of different people within the castle and learnt how William the Conqueror became King of England. There was even opportunity to sing a song and learn a dance.

In PE we are developing our ball skills. We have focused on rolling to hit a target, stopping and dribbling with our feet.

In Art we are looking at portraits and poses. We have started to look at some portraits of Tudor monarchs. Children generated some interesting vocabulary to describe the portraits – strong, important, wealthy and positive were just a few. We are looking forward to drawing our own self portraits.

13th September 2024

Falcon class have had a very busy start back to the new term. We have really enjoyed sharing our home learning projects about castles and it has really enthused us to learn more about them this term! Thank you for all the work you carefully did over the holidays- they have been AMAZING to see!

We have also enjoyed learning about Falcons, our new class name. We were really proud of the falcon art work we completed as well as our writing about falcons.

Practising skills in the first week back, such as using a ruler, will really help us for the new term ahead. We worked really hard to use rulers to produce some colourful art work.

We have started our new term of phonics and are enjoying our new class text, ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have unpicked the text using lots of drama opportunities and group work so that we are ready with ideas to write our own ‘catch me’ narrative over the next couple of weeks.

In maths, we have been learning about position and direction. We worked in partners to use the vocabulary of position and direction, and then moved onto learning about angles. We were very observant, noticing all the right angles around the classroom using our right angle detectors!