Parent election – Kingshill Feb 2025
The Local Governing Committee (LGC) is made up of representatives from parents, staff and the local community and works with the school to achieve the best possible education for all the children.
The governors help the school towards raising standards, support the Headteacher and staff, monitor and evaluate the progress the school makes towards its priorities and targets and is accountable to the Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) for the overall performance of the school and the strategic decisions made.
The full LGC meets five times a year and there are three sub-committees which monitor particular areas in more detail, Ethos, Finance & Premises and Teaching & Learning.
If you would like more information on the role of the governors, then please contact: [email protected]
The members of the Local Governing Committee are as follows:-
Anthony Fletcher Rogers (AFR) – (Chair, MAT Appointed) Term of office ends 20.4.2025
I have been a Governor since Kingshill joined the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust in April 2013, becoming Chair in March 2015. I work in Information Technology for a law firm in Bristol and both my children attended Kingshill, and have been part of the school community for 13 years.
Lynda Kennedy (LK) – (Foundation) Term of office ends 14.12.2025
My husband and I moved to Nailsea in February 2021. It was during a lockdown so not ideal timing as social contact was extremely restricted. Despite the challenges that Covid 19 brought we have found Nailsea to be a very welcoming place.
We began attending Christ Church in Nailsea when services were allowed to resume and also found it to be very friendly and welcoming. Christ Church is linked to Kingshill School and is required to appoint two foundation governors from the church to sit on the school board. A vacancy had arisen and I was asked to fill the position which is why I unexpectedly find myself a governor at Kingshill Church Primary School. Coincidentally my two grandchildren attend the school and have always been very happy there.
My background is in teaching which is why I was asked to become a governor. I have had the privilege of teaching 4-17 year olds in both mainstream at primary level and specialist provision at secondary level. I have a particular interest and specialism in working with children with Special Needs. It is a credit to the school that they have an inclusive ethos which values all children.
I am new to the area and new to this role so am looking forward to exploring how I can support the staff and children at the school.
Vanessa Harris (VH) (Parent Governor) Term of office ends 24.08.2025
I joined the Governing Body in September 2021. My background is working as a Solicitor specialising in clinical negligence, where I work with individuals and families who have suffered life changing injuries. When working with children and young people this will often include consideration of the provision which has been put in place by the local authority (if any) and the NHS and considering whether these adequately meet the child’s needs. This will include consideration of any existing EHCP and assisting families in the EHC process.
My job is about holding people and organisations to account for their decisions, actions and inactions and it is also about seeing the wider picture, and understanding that there is often multiple ways to achieve the same goal and therefore considering a variety of points of view. It is also about knowing my clients and knowing each of their skills and limitations. Knowing what gives them joy, what challenges them and what is likely to push them forward, in order to achieve the best outcome for each individual.
I wanted to be a governor as I believe in the school and I want to support the staff and management to achieve their aims. My son and daughter are both currently at Kingshill.
Being able to support education is a privilege
There is a Governance Handbook which is a reference point for all Governors. Click here to access this document through the DfE website
For key information regarding Annual Accounts and Trustees, please click the links below to take you to the relevant sections of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust website: